Syrris Atlas automated chemistry video
Video Transcript
Hi my name is Omar Jina from Syrris and today I’m going to introduce you to the Atlas system, the market-leading automated batch chemistry system. Syrris is a company focused on developing products for chemists and chemical engineers and we’re based in the UK, just outside Cambridge in a place called Royston. Our focus is on two primary areas, so batch chemistry – using things like jacketed reactors or round-bottom flasks and also flow chemistry – using things like microreactors or tube reactors and in both formats we can actually work with small scale R&D, right through to large scale, including kilo lab scales.
So we’re going to focus today on the Atlas product. Atlas is a very flexible future-proof, modular batch chemistry system. You can tailor make the system specifically for your application, so you can work on small-scale chemistry round bottom flask vials. You can then build this up without any tools in a modular way to jacketed reactor, so primarily used for departments like process development. You can then add automation and then have some very sophisticated applications, such as crystallization, parallel reactions or PAT studies. We can go right through and tailor make the systems specifically for the Atlas reaction calorimetry, where you measure the heat of a reaction. We can have pressure capabilities, so we can do 200 bar in stainless steel or 3 bar in glass. We also have a division called CRS (custom reactor systems), where we can design a reactor system specifically for your needs if it falls outside the complete range of our full Atlas standard products.
Let’s focus on the Atlas system, it all revolves around its base unit here, so you can see it looks like a hotplate, but this is in fact a very powerful pc. There are USB ports at the side and we have some control at the front. The nice thing about this being a PC is absolutely everything that happens on your system is automatically data logged, so all the data will come, so if you change the temperature or anything else in your process, it will be automatically saved onto here. So, in batch mode, in round bottom flask mode, we can work with a dry bath with different inserts for different sized vessels.
So we can take our round bottom flask and we can then control temperature and magnetic stirring. We can then add our temperature node, so this is also like a mini PC. Plug this in, the system automatically recognizes it and then we can do more precise temperature control, recording our process temperature. So, we’re talking about a hot plate that’s heating, but as everything is modular, we can take our hot plate out and we can insert a hot and cold plate and then we can do some cold temperature reactions.
We can also, instead of having magnetic stirring, we can have overhead stirring. So this here is our Scorpion and you see everything clicks it very nicely and then we can take our stirrer sealing guide and our stirrer and place this in here and then we can have overhead stirring on our round-bottom flasks.
Instead of having a round bottom flask and building up, I’m now going to look at some of the other smaller scale devices that we have so we have the Orbit system for parallel chemistry, so parallel reflux that can be with either six parallel systems or twelve parallel and we also have many smaller parallel vials that you can do and use in hot or in cold.
We’re now going to build up the system to our jacketed reactor platform, so we take our oil drain unit, this is where we connect a recirculating system like a circulator and then a jacketed vessel clamp. And now we’re going to use jacketed reactors, so again primarily used when people are looking to have more control of their temperature or more control of their reaction you’d use these we have systems from 50 milliliters right through to 5 liters and also in many different shapes, so torispherical and also round bottoms and conical. A lovely thing about this is that you can just slot this in here, the system is all controlled and your vessel is held in this you can then take your stirrer seal and guide which i had earlier with any different stirrer and put this in here, one click and it’s all completely secure. So we’ll carry on the build by having our overhead stirrer and our oil pipes.
Finally, people are maybe more interested in having different probes, so we have temperature, so the temperature probe coming in here, or we have many different nodes and probes that can fit in here and three or six can added to a system for multiple temperature control, ph, turbidity, pressure or indeed any other third-party probes can been added into this system. It’s truly very, very powerful and flexible.
Other things chemists are interested in is dosing, so with dosing we have our Atlas pumps, which are very chemically compatible pumps. We have the Atlas system and the Atlas XL, so going from one microliter per minute right through 100 mls per minute and you can pump multiple different reagents through to your system in an automated manner. Everything is PTFE or glass and very, very chemically compatible.
We can then, as you see, the hardware is very easy to use and we can then add our software. When you add the software, we also have very easy to use but very, very powerful software, so you can control third-party devices or you can do complete recipe control for whatever you may want to do with your chemistry. With click and change graphs that you can change your parameters with. We can then have a system come through to the tailor made specifically for calorimetry, so there’s a few differences between the unit’s here compared to the unit on your screen and with this we can measure the heat of the reaction. So it’s very powerful, very, very highly specified reaction colorimetry which can do power compensation calorimetry and heat flow calorimetry.
We can then have different probes looking to do some crystallization or indeed induce crystallization using our sonar lab, so in using sonar ultrasound to induce crystallization or monitor using turbidity probes.
We can have parallel reactions, which will have multiple systems all operated by one computer, so you can do some design of experiments. And we have pressure, so very similar systems to this one allowing 3 Bar in glass or 200 bar in stainless steel. So, that’s the Atlas system, it’s a very modular future-proof system and it can be tailored to your specific needs of your process.
If you’d like any more information, please visit our website: or look at our other videos on any of our systems.

Atlas HD
The Atlas HD product range provides the most complete range of automated batch reactor systems on the market. From small scale chemistry in round-bottomed flasks through to fully automated, complex recipes performed in jacketed vessels up to 5 L.