Syrris Asia post-synthesis modules for flow chemistry video
Video Transcript
Asia is an award winning range of innovative flow chemistry products from Syrris. This video looks at some of the modules for post-synthesis work-up, analysis, collection and automation. Each module can act independently or be added seamlessly to existing systems. Asia offers: The FLLEX. A sophisticated, continuous flow liquid-liquid extraction module, the flow chemistry equivalent of a separatory funnel, it is ideal for aqueous work-up or separating two phase reaction mixtures. The Sampler and Dilutor. This module automatically takes a 5µl sample from the flowing reaction, dilutes it and flows it into a UPLC or LCMS system while simultaneously sending it a start signal. This allows online, quantitative analysis of every reaction. For product collection, Syrris offer two modules that allow waste to be diverted and samples to be collected in different vials: The Product Collector, for automatic collection of one reaction product, or manual collection of many samples. Or to automatically collect hundreds of experiments, Asia offers a range of intelligent Automated Collectors. The Asia Manager PC software enables fully automated experiments with data logging and graphing. The software allows “chemist familiar” terms to be entered, for example, residence time, temperature, reaction scale, reagent concentrations and equivalents, then calculates all the flow rates, timings, etcetera. This enables total automation of the entire process including temperature control, pump rates, sample injections and product collection. To discover more about Asia, and its wide range of modules, www.visit

Asia Flow Chemistry
Asia is a range of advanced flow chemistry products designed by chemists for chemists to enable the widest range of chemical reactions and ultimate ease of use. The modular nature of Asia systems allows you to be flexible with your applications and adapt your configuration to suit your needs.